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Fallout Wiki



Behind a very hard locked door is Megaton Armory, home to a computer terminal which can be used to turn off a Mister Gutsy robot and also to the weapons listed below (which to take is to steal).

The Key

The sheriff Lucas Simms has the key to the armory which can be obtained early in the game simply by pickpocketing him (save first it may take several tries). Alternatively the PC can kill Simms but the town will then go hostile. You can also obtain the key if Lucas Simms is shot by Mister Burke. When you search his body the people around don't become hostile.

The key is named "Lucas Simm's House Key" so don't be fooled. It is also essential to stealthily enter the armory with a stealth boy active because there is a Mister Gutsy that will attack you. If caught Megaton's citizens will become hostile. If you do make Megaton angry, leave the city for three days and everyone will have forgotten your crime.

Please note that the deactivation terminal requires the ability to hack Hard leveled terminals.

Citizens Shocked

If the PC is seen entering the Megaton Armory, or if Deputy Steel leaves the armory while attacking you, the whole town will become hostile and either flee or attack. Leaving town and waiting a day will calm down Megaton's citizens, and the intrusion will be forgotten.

  • If you kill Deputy Steel while in the armory, loot, or what have you and leave, citizens have a one time line they say when you first talk to them. For me, talking to Gob made him say "Please! Don't shoot!" and Nova said "Hey there Miss Dangerous..." in her normal seductive tone.
  • However, if you disable Deputy Steel using the Terminal, looting the armory will not cause any reaction from the citizens. They behave as though nothing has happened.


  • Hunting Rifle
  • Assault Rifle
  • Pistols and Ammunition
  • Combat Shotgun
  • Laser Pistol (in average safe)


  • Using the terminal to disable Deputy Steel will work, but after a few days he will be back guarding the front gate of Megaton. He won't react any different toward you. This could possibly be a bug.

